Saturday, May 14, 2011


Taking a Photography Class was very refreshing for me. I know I teach the subject in my class, but to see how other professionals use and teach the same concepts is great. It gave me a chance to see if I am teaching the most important information in the most appropriate ways. I learned new techniques on how to use programs that I am already familiar with. I also really enjoyed how others can use this in their classrooms, because this gave me ideas on how I can extend my teachings with other teachers or how I can inspire students to use their knowledge in other subjects.

I really like taking the time to reflect how important to use images in instruction. I do this all the time without thinking of it, but to reiterate the importance was liberating. I am teaching a new class next fall and most of what we were taught, would be appropriate to embed in the class curriculum. For example, how to make simple albums in iPhoto.

I am glad that I was able to take what I know and extend it. I knew how to make movies, but I never did it for instruction. I also liked creating a movie with someone I work with, so the students see we are both giving the same instruction. The extension of knowledge was getting it on Youtube. I have done it before as well, but I forget how easy it is to do so.

As an art instructor, I appreciate when classes are appropriate for us as well. So please continuing offering what we and others can use to benefit all students in all classrooms.

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